Which one will you choose?

Seasonal. Bespoke. Intimate.

Tai sea bream is most delicious in the season of sakura and baby leaves of kinome are unfurling from the branches of our sansho trees. We’ll enjoy a flower viewing picnic and stroll the grounds of an ancient fortress. We'll also experience paper making and sake tasting.

Sakura Season

MARCH 24-28, 2025


Abundance defines this season of prime foraging. We'll collect and cook with bamboo shoots, giant butterbur stems, and peppery shansho. And we’ll travel to the birthplace of Japan's tea culture for a tea experience on an estate amidst tea fields as far as the eye can see.

Spring Bounty

April 7-11, 2025


We'll explore the heritage and ceremony of Japan's fine green teas. We’ll brew tea, cook with tea, and craft cocktails with tea. We'll enjoy a traditional tea ceremony and spend time with a master tea maker who is preserving the ancient tradition of wood-fired, kettle roasted tea.

Tea Harvest

APRIL 21-25, 2025


In early summer, flavors ripen and bountiful sun and rain send the flora into overdrive. Edible wild flowers and berries abound. We’ll gather wild shoots and leaves with an expert in the field of medicinal plants and enjoy a masterclass on wild cordials and restorative teas.

First Summer

May 19-23, 2025


Rice is reveared as both a sacred crop and the ultimate comfort food. We'll revel in this simple, perfect grain and enjoy a master class on shaping onigiri rice balls. We'll also visit a soy brewery and learn all about the art, science, and craft of one of Japan's staple seasonings.


October 20-24, 2025


Autumn has arrived and in concert with the festival of colors, tai sea bream comes into season alongside yuzu, persimmons, and mushrooms. This session's outing is a most special one. We’ll travel to the Ariake Sea and board a boat to see how Japan’s finest nori is grown.


NOVEMBER 17-21, 2025


Spring is gaining momentum and provides so many fresh, wild flavors. We will forage tsukushi horsetail from the hills, tender shoots of watercress from streams, and funori from the sea. We'll also gather dried silvergrass for a masterclass on crafting Japanese brooms.

Vernal Awakening

March 9-13, 2026


Tai sea bream is most delicious in the season of sakura and baby leaves of kinome are unfurling from the branches of our sansho trees. We’ll enjoy a flower viewing picnic and stroll the grounds of an ancient fortress. We'll also experience paper making and sake tasting.

Sakura Season

MARCH 23-27, 2026


Abundance defines this season of prime foraging. We'll collect and cook with bamboo shoots, giant butterbur stems, and peppery shansho. And we’ll travel to the birthplace of Japan's tea culture for a tea experience on an estate amidst tea fields as far as the eye can see.

Spring Bounty

April 6-10, 2026


We'll explore the heritage and ceremony of Japan's fine green teas. We’ll brew tea, cook with tea, and craft cocktails with tea. We'll enjoy a traditional tea ceremony and spend time with a master tea maker who is preserving the ancient tradition of wood-fired, kettle roasted tea.

Tea Harvest

APRIL 20-24, 2026


In early summer, flavors ripen and bountiful sun and rain send the flora into overdrive. Edible wild flowers and berries abound. We’ll gather wild shoots and leaves with an expert in the field of medicinal plants and enjoy a masterclass on wild cordials and restorative teas.

First Summer

May 11-15, 2026


Rice is reveard as both a sacred crop and the ultimate comfort food. We'll revel in this simple, perfect grain and enjoy a master class on shaping onigiri rice balls. We'll also visit a soy brewery and learn all about the art, science, and craft of one of Japan's staple seasonings.


October 19-23, 2026


Autumn has arrived and in concert with the festival of colors, tai sea bream comes into season alongside yuzu, persimmons, and mushrooms. This session's outing is a most special one. We’ll travel to the Ariake Sea and board a boat to see how Japan’s finest nori is grown.


NOVEMBER 23-27, 2026


How It Works

Salon sessions are $3550 per person. A non-refundable deposit of $1800 secures your place with the balance due 60 days before the start date.


Four nights in a private room plus all food, drink, and transportation during the salon session. Does not include transportation to and from Karatsu.

What's included

Plans are hard to make these days. All deposits are non-refundable but give me two months notice and I'll happily apply your deposit to a future session.


Prairie THOUGHTFULLY introduces Japanese culture in a way that CAN'T BE EXPERIENCED on your own.


Prairie's PASSION about this UNIQUE CULTURE is beautifully transmitted in rich detail. We are full of INSPIRATION.